Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Camp, Tree removal and other musings...

It is Wednesday at lunch, and the sound of a chain saw comes through my shut window as I am occassionally startled by branches hitting the side of the building on their way down. There is a large tree that someone thoughtlessly planted back when the University began, over 100 years ago, about 4' from the foundation. Over time it has become taller then our 4 story building, and probably close to 3' across at the bottom. With all this growth roots stretched out seaking more water, and finding none, broke through the concrete foundation hunting for more.
A few weeks ago men with hard hats and clipboards started circling my tree. Yesterday they arrived and roped off a quadron with orange tape to keep people safe. It goes out 30' feet on all sides of the tree, but they did not ask me to move. Interesting.
I did abandon my office yesterday for a while when the big branches were hitting. This afternoon I suspect I'll leave again when they start removing the actual trunk. It makes me sad that it is leaving.
The twins are on day 3 of summer camp, and they are loving it. I can't tell you how glad Glenn and I are that we sent them. Each day they come home and I'm amazed at what they have done. They have been canoeing, they have gone swimming every day, and yesterday they even did a zip line across the river. They both said they were a little scare but then they had fun once they tried it.
They do come home exhausted each evening, and covered with dirt. I do two frantic loads of laundry to get all their stuff cleaned up before the next day. They crash into bed hard and sleep well each night.
I am looking forward to a quiet weekend with nowhere to go. After all our running around the last few weeks the thought of just being home and being still is pretty attractive. Of course plenty of chores await us. Its time to start working on the bedrooms, getting ready for Violet nad Em to share a room. I have lots of work ahead before that, but we might as well get started.
Have a great day!

1 comment:

Robin said...

What a great sounding camp, and so very different from the urban ones my kids go to...

I'm sorry about your tree. How sad.